Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Happy 2016!

Hi Parents and Families!
Once again,  I'm sorry for the big time gap between posts! Here's some of what we've been doing in January!

First, a BIG thank you to our PTSA, who funded our field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science! 

We were able to take a really fun, engaging class called "The Bear Necessities" at the museum, where our kids got to dress up in bear costumes and learn about the adaptations these animals have to survive. Our kids had a blast being bear cubs! 

Then, of course, we explored the museum the best we could in only one afternoon! There is so much to do and see here. We had so much fun, and everyone was disappointed we had to leave at the end of the day. If you can, go back to the museum and explore the Space exhibit. We didn't get to spend long in there- but many of the kids said it was their favorite. 

Lincoln Lynx!

In Reader's Workshop, we are really focusing on "fluency" when reading out loud. This is what we call it when you read smoothly, with expression, and your listener can hear the punctuation in your voice. It is one of the biggest goals of reading during first grade- and when a child is a fluent reader, they are able to comprehend and access much more difficult content. So, to practice this, we have a little "Reader's Theater" during Centers time. Kids practice a short play adapted from a book during their Work Work center, and then they get to perform it for the class. It has quickly become on of their favorite centers, and you can hear the improvement in their fluency. When you read at home, encourage your child to read as smoothly as possible. This doesn't mean as quickly as possible- but it does mean that their reading should have a natural flow rather than a monotone word by word reading. If they are getting stuck on many words, have them read an easier one out loud to you or someone in the family. It's ok if the book they read out loud is far easier than their reading level- it's fun to read simple texts with LOTS of fun expression.

In writing, we finished up our All About Books after many weeks of hard work and research! I love, love, love this unit because I always learn something new! Thanks to our kiddos for teaching me about plate tectonics, cheetahs, and the periodic table of elements! We had another Author's Walk to share and celebrate this big writing project, and the kids gave each other incredibly thoughtful compliments after viewing all the books. Soon, I will send these All Abouts home and you can celebrate with your child. 

Thanks for reading! I will be updating again after February! 

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