First of all, thank you to all the parents who were able to come and watch our kids perform Mama Panya's Pancakes on Friday! We had so much fun working on this play, and I hope you enjoyed the culmination of all our weeks of hard work. These types of experiences are so valuable for our kids because they integrate so many academic subjects and provide an opportunity for students to show what they've learned in a tangible way. I know every student felt proud of the work they put in; I certainly was.
Also, I hope you'll be able to join us for our own Pancake Party on Monday! We will start at 2:45. We have plenty of ingredients on the way, so just bring your appetite if you can make it!
Here are a few more updates on what we've been working on throughout April (besides learning our lines for the play!)
In math, we are starting to talk about fractions, and of course we are always looking for ways to connect this concept to real world scenarios. So, we used crackers to explore the concept of "equal shares", which is integral to understanding fractions as equal parts of a whole. We will continue to work with fraction notation over the rest of the year. Anytime you use fractions, talk about it with your student. Cooking is a great time to do this! Have your child help you with the measurements next time you make dinner. It's a great way to integrate so many math skills into a family activity.
In math, we've also set up our School Store! Thank you so much to all the parents who brought things in to donate.
Our kids LOVE shopping, adding up their total, and counting out their change. Each child has a wallet with their "paycheck" for the year. That amount is theirs to spend however they choose, so we discussed budgeting and how to make one amount last for a long time. With a practical way to apply this, our kids really demonstrate a lot of thinking skills when making their shopping choices. This is such a powerful way to practice important math skills and encourage financial awareness early on in life. You can help by having your child pay for small items at the grocery store when you have cash.
Social Studies:
To finish up our Kids Care Unit, our students picked an issue within the community and brainstormed solutions. We voted on the problem of littering around Denver, and we've done lots of work on outreach and involvement. Our kids showed incredible teamwork throughout this unit, designing and making posters together. We also enjoyed our walk around Lincoln cleaning up litter! This project was a really wonderful opportunity for our kids to practice awareness and notice how members of a community can have an impact.
Pen Pals:
Once again, we are writing to our pen pals in Lyon, France! This time, we drew monsters and wrote letters containing clues for our pen pals to find the letters.
Next week, we will be mailing our letters and our pen pals have requested that we send them our personal addresses so they can continue to write over the summer. If you're comfortable with this, next week's homework folders will include an index card for us to include in the letters we mail.
Thanks to all the parents who helped with the Cinco de Mayo festival after school on Friday! This was a great event, and our kids had a blast.