Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holiday Family Lunch

Happy Holidays from Room 107!

We have been studying 5 different winter holidays and traditions in Room 107. To celebrate our learning, we will be hosting a family holiday luncheon in Room 107 on Friday, December 20th from 11:15-12:30. We will make some crafts and then eat lunch in our room together before the kids head out for recess. We’d love to share our learning and see you all there.
I know many of you will be at work, but please join us even if you are not able to volunteer or stay for the whole time.

·        I am looking for volunteers to help run craft centers, (I’ll supply materials) and make food dishes from each tradition that we study.
·        I have created a Sign Up Genius for this party. Please sign up for as many food or volunteer slots as you’d like!

To sign up for a food dish, leading a craft, or both, please use Sign Up Genius to RSVP as soon as you can!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Happy December!

Wow! Can you believe it's almost Winter Break? 
We have so much to get done before our two week vacation- here are some things we are working on. 
First, I'd like to show you our Objectives Board, where we post our goals for every unit or lesson. I love to have the kids refer to these frequently so they can self- monitor their progress toward our goals. 

In math, as you are aware, we are working on measurement. This is one of my very favorite units because it is so hands on and easy to apply to everyday situations. One of our goals in this unit is to measure things accurately with a ruler, so if you have one at home this is a great skill to practice, and can be a lot of fun. Measure various objects to the nearest inch and the nearest foot.

Also in math, we've recently introduced the skill of estimation. This is a critical skill to build as students get older, and it takes a lot of practice. To have consistent practice with this, we've started an estimation jar. Every week it will be filled with a new object and students will have all week to put their estimates inside. On Fridays, we will count to see how close we got to the real number. Estimation is also a great skill for you to practice at home. Anytime there is a large quantity of objects, ask your child to give an estimate. You can do this with grapes in a bag, height of objects, temperature outside, anything really. You don't even always have to count afterwards- just discuss why they chose that number. As we say in class- an estimate is NOT just a guess- it's based on information and thinking. 

In Reading and Writing, we finished up our Small Moment Unit after everyone moved through all the steps of the writing process. I like to have the kids take ownership of their own progress by moving their name down our Writing Chart pencil. This way, they become increasingly self aware of all the steps it takes to publish a piece of writing. They all did a fantastic job with Small Moments, and those published and illustrated pieces are now hanging in the hallway. Please read some the next time you are dropping your student off. 

 Our new literacy unit is on How To books. We are reading examples of books that teach how to do something, and working on writing our own. Of course, we are also practicing following How To directions in order to experience what steps are needed to communicate directions clearly. One of our projects last week was How to Make a House. Keep an eye out for more projects like this that your child will be bringing home- and ask them if they can tell you all the steps involved! 

Finally, in Social Studies we started to study maps and how they help us. We were especially focused on creating small scale maps of our classroom. We learned about symbols on a map key and the 4 cardinal directions shown on a compass rose. Then, we worked to create our own symbols of objects in the classroom and accurately place them on a map of our room. These came out great! I can't wait to get into more Geography over the next few weeks. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Field Trip Fun

Colorado Ballet Guild Field Trip:
Bus rides are half the fun!
This past week, our first and second grade classes took a wonderful field trip to Colorado Heights University Theater to watch three different dance companies perform various pieces. This was a wonderful production of several different dance styles, and our students were a fantastic audience.

After the performance, we made thank-you notes to send to the Colorado Ballet Guild, who made this production possible free of cost. In addition to showing our gratitude, it is very important for kids to have practice with authentic writing opportunities. I was so impressed with the responses that were written after the performances; I think our students got a lot out of their first field trip of the year.  


Writer's Workshop:
In writing, we are getting close to publishing the Small Moments we have been working on for several weeks now. We are focused on using transition words when telling a story to show the sequence. Ask your child to tell you the transition words they are writing in their stories! 

During writing center, kids can choose to write compliments to classmates when they notice someone doing something kind. I love reading these and passing them out at the end of the day. Our students feel so good when they are recognized by their peers for doing something kind, even when it's a simple as "cheering me up when I felt sad."

Computer Lab: 
Thanks to the amazing Ms. Bonnie and our technology fund, our iPad lab is set up! We had our first session on Friday, and it was really wonderful to see the kids engaged with this wonderful learning tool. If you have a tablet or iPad at home, make sure you have RAZ Kids downloaded! 

Zoo Night! 
Finally, Thursday was Zoo Night at Lincoln. Big thanks to the PTSA who brings this incredible program to our school. The porcupine was my favorite! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy November!

We have been busy the past few weeks in 107! Here's some highlights of what we've been working on. 
We are finishing up are first science unit on matter, and everyone has really enjoyed all of the activities and experiments we did. Students did a great job engaging with the scientific process throughout this unit. 

Happy Halloween! 
I loved seeing many people at the Fall Festival! There were so many wonderful costumes and everyone had such a fun time. Thanks again to Andrea Benson for leading this great event. 

Writing Assembly! 
We have started our monthly writing assemblies at Lincoln! Once a month, the whole school gathers in the auditorium to listen to one student from each class read a piece of their writing. Abby did a great job being our first author to read in front of everyone. Parents are welcome to join to watch! I'll always send home a note a few days before the assembly if your student is reading. 

Finally, we earned our second reward party of the year on Friday! We filled our marble jar and spent part of our afternoon on Friday watching the rest of Ice Age and eating popcorn. This week we will vote on what our next reward will be, and continue working hard to earn marbles for the jar! 

Thanks for reading! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Two Week Catch Up!

Welcome Back! 
I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! Just a reminder- parent teacher conferences are next week! I am very excited to share your students' work with you. 
You will be receiving a confirmation paper in Monday's homework folders. See you soon! 

Here are a few things we worked on over the past few weeks. 

We have been doing many fun and interesting experiments in science while studying the phases of matter. Over the past two weeks, we learned and observed how matter changes phases. First, we looked at ice and dry ice over the course of one day. We've also learned about chemical reactions and how to identify when one has happened. To observe this, we activated glow sticks to see how a color is made, and combined vinegar and baking soda to see how the gas emitted can blow up a balloon. 

 We've talked about all the terms for matter changing, such as freezing, condensation, sublimation, and evaporation. To learn how these terms apply to real life situations, we observed condensation on mirrors, and turned liquid Kool-Aid into frozen popsicles. Our students have really been enjoying our science unit, and doing a great job engaging with the process of predicting and experimenting. 

In math, we've been working on skip counting by various numbers such as 2s, 5s, and 10s. To help us with fluency and speed with this skill, we play a game called count around. We choose a magic number to count up to, such as 25. Then, we stand in a circle and each person says a number as we go around (5, 10, 15, 20, 25). The person who says the magic number sits down, and the next person starts again at the beginning, until one person is left standing and declared the winner. This is a great game to play at home, even with a small group. 

Next week we'll be back to normal homework folders. Thanks for all your hard work at home! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Parent-Teacher Conferences: 
Hopefully everyone received communication about upcoming conferences yesterday! 
Please use the link below to access Sign Up Genius if you haven't already chosen a conference spot. Looking forward to sharing your students' work with you all! 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Spectacular Week Six!

What another great week in 107! They seem to be flying by, and we are making such great progress in all our work. 
This week, we started out celebrating a new month by decorating the bulletin board near our room for fall. All our students wrote book reviews about their favorite books and told why they liked it. Then, we put them altogether and thanks to Ms. Krissy's crafty skills, Voila! 

We've been having some fun in our reading groups "playing" with shaving cream in order to practice things like sight words, vowel pairs, and new vocabulary. Anything sensory is a great way to help kids retain what they're learning- so feel free to try this at home as you practice spelling words! Tracing words in shaving cream, salt or sand on a cookie sheet, making the words out of play dough, drawing them with sidewalk chalk, or painting the words are all great ways to help kids practice their weekly words, as well as make spelling a little more fun! :) 


One big focus this week was Writer's Workshop, where we published our first pieces of writing this year! All our kids have been doing a great job brainstorming and drafting stories from their lives, and this week we talked about revising and editing as part of the writing process. Finally, after many hours of hard work in our Writer's notebooks, we chose one story and published it. Lastly, we all walked around reading each other's amazing writing. It's so important for kids to build confidence and view themselves as authors, even at this early stage. Publishing a story is a big deal- be sure to read some of them when you come up into our hallway. 

In math, we've been working on telling time and counting pennies and nickels. These are really easy skills for you to have your student practice at home! 

Lastly, I want to show you some of the reading strategies we have for figuring out tricky words and building comprehension. We use these every time we read, and the kids are really familiar with them. The animals are a helpful mnemonic device to make sure our kiddos are aware of all the tools they have at their disposal as they learn to read. As you read with your child at home, I encourage you to let them try to figure out the words they get stuck on, and ask them to tell you what reading strategy they are using to help themselves figure it out. (Next week's homework folders will also include a copy of this bookmark to keep and use during your daily reading time.) 

Thanks again for visiting our page and seeing what we're learning each week! Check back on Monday for important updates in the homework tab.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Fantastic Fifth Week

Here's a few highlights from this past week!

First, of all, a HUGE thank you to all the parents who helped raise money for Laps for Lincoln. Our class raised over $800 for the Walk-a-Thon, and our kids did a great job running their hardest despite the rainy, chilly weather. This event is such a wonderful fundraiser and our students really enjoy it. 

On Monday, we used our clickers to vote on what our next party will be when we fill our marble jar again. This time we decided on a popcorn party! I have a feeling it won't be too long until we earn this one! :) 

Another big thank you to all you parents who helped your student find numbers for the Numbers Museum! We had so much fun going around the room and finding all the things numbers are used for in real life. Those numbers you collected will stay up all year long to help us remember why are learning to add, subtract, measure and all the other things we do. 

This week, we also started our first science unit! This unit is all about properties of matter, and we will be doing lots of fun experiments to help us understand and experience the phases of matter. We get into some pretty advanced stuff- even talking about the molecules in different forms of matter and how they move. Be sure to ask your student what they know about solids, liquids, and gases as the weeks go on, I think you'll be impressed by what they are finding out!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fourth Week Fun

Can you believe we've already been in first grade for one month? It has absolutely flown by.
End of Day Movie Time! 
Of course, the highlight of this week was that we filled our marble jar and earned our reward pajama party!  These students have been doing an amazing job in school and definitely deserved this fun day. On Monday, we will vote again to decide what our reward will be the next time we fill the marble jar.

My favorite part was _____ because _______.
Other things we did this week included getting into our reading groups during centers. This time allows Ms. Krissy and I to work with students on their individual reading level and provide everyone with targeted instruction. We read and respond to books together, and often play phonics and word games. 

Happy Constitution Day! 
Tuesday was Constitution Day, where we celebrated the 226th Anniversary of the Constitution being signed. We connected this important event to our learning in Social Studies about rules and agreements that we make to each other. I hope you saw the excellent writing that students brought home that day! 

A Secretary Answers Phones and Talks to Families 
Later in the week during Social Studies we did some role playing in partners to help students understand the different jobs of teachers, principals, custodians and secretaries. This was a great independent team building activity, as students worked in pairs to pick their roles and script their own plays before performing in front of the group. I love this activity because it really gets students to think outside themselves and think about all the important people who help them in school! (And the plays are adorable!)

When You Think You're Done, You've Only Just Begun! 
 After lunch everyday we do Writer's Workshop, and I am amazed by the writing stamina our kids have already shown! Our motto during writing is "When you think you're done, you've only just begun!" Our students are learning to push themselves to add more details into their writing, revise, and keep brainstorming. I can't wait to get into some really fun writing projects and share them with you. 

Finally, I want to tell you about something I introduced to the kids this week called "Ask Me Stickers". One big focus as students get older is metacognition, that is, having students think about their thinking. This is a powerful tool to help students retain what they learn. To start our kids thinking this way, I like to give out "Ask Me" stickers that students earn for demonstrating independence with a certain skill. If your child comes home with one of these stickers, be sure to ask them to do whatever is written on it and chat with them about it. They are so proud of their learning! We always want to look for more ways to make curriculum carry over outside of the school day. 

Thanks for reading! Check the Homework Tab for the week's updates and important information!